A Frame Trucks Adjustable Leg Work Benches Aerosol Can Disposal Air Curtains Aluminum Gantry Cranes Aluminum Pallets Appliance And Vending Trucks Autoloader Ramps Bag And Box Trucks Bar Racks Bar Rod And Sheet Trucks Bar Stock Trees Bases And Posts Bench Top Tilters Bicycles Bin And Shelf Carts Bin Cabinets Bin Storage Cabinets Bonding And Grounding Wires Boom Rug Rams Booms Box Carts Box Dumpers Buckets And Pails Bulk Rolls Cantilever Hoists Cantilever Jibs Carousels Chairs and Benches Chocks Cigarette Disposal Cans Clearance Bars Coil And Pallet Lifters Coil Rams And Hooks Column Protectors Comfort King Container Ramps Cross Over Ladders Cylinder Bumper Brackets Cylinder Dollies Cylinder Lifts Cylinder Storage Cylinder Storage Cabinets Decontamination Accessories Delineators Die Handlers Dock Barricades Dock Bug Screen Doors Dock Bumpers And Seals Dock Loading Lights Dock Plates Dock Traffic Systems Downspoutguards Drum And Hand Trucks Drum And IBC Lockers Drum And Pail Dollies Drum Containment Units Drum Cradles Drum Crusher And Compactor Drum Deheaders Drum Dumpers And Handlers Drum Faucets And Siphons Drum Fill Gauges Drum Funnels Drum Grabs Drum Heaters Drum Lifters And Slings Drum Liners Drum Pumps And Vacuums Drum Racks And Stands Drum Truck And Cradle Drum Wrenches Electric Chain Hoists Electrical Lockouts Electrical Work Benches Fall Protection Fans, Coolers And Heaters Faucets Fiber Drums Floor Brooms Floor Cranes Floor Protection Fork Truck Lift Booms Forklift Accessories Hoist Stands Hopper Carts Horizontal Drum Storage Hose and Cord Reels IBC Containment IBC Tanks Industrial And Commercial Vacuums Industrial Mirrors Jib Cranes Lever Bars Lift Tables Lift Trucks Lifter Jibs Load Lifters Loading Platforms Long Deck Carts Machinery Dollies Maintenance Ladders Manual Hoist Manual Trolley Mirrors Movers Non Telescoping Lift Booms Office Ergonomics Opti Benches Other Casters Overhead Door Locks And Barriers Packaging Tables Pallet Dollies Pallet Inverters Pallet Masters Pallet Rack And Utility Trays Pallet Trucks Panel Carts Parking Stops Permaroute Pipe Grabs Plastic Pallets Plastic Shelving Platform Trucks Polyurethane Wheels Portable Ramps Post Sleeves Power Lift Jib Cranes Rack Accessories Racks Record Storage Units Refuse Hoppers Roll-A-Fold Ladders Rolling Ladders Rotating Drum Handler Safety Barricades Safety Cages Safety Gates Scales Scissor Carts Scissor Docks Secure Drum Storage Self Dumping Hoppers Sheds Shovels And Rakes Signs And Flags Smooth Strip Doors Speed Bumps And Cable Protectors Spill Carts Spill Containment Decks Spill Containment Pallets Spill Response Containers Stabilizing Jacks Stack Carts Stackable Racks Standing Rack Units Steel Bollards And Guards Steel Chute Hoppers Steel Drums Steel Gantry Cranes Steel Lockers Step Stands Stock Carts Stockpicker Trucks Storage Bins Strapping And Stretch Wrap Machines Strapping And Wraps Tank Access Ladders Tank Containment Telescoping Lift Booms Ticket Holders Tie Rod Jibs Tilt Tables Tiltmasters Tip-N-Roll Ladders Tongs Tool Balancers Tool Stands Tote Dumpers Trailer Supplies Trailers Transport Pallets Trash Can Accessories Tread Stairs Tri-Post Jibs Turn Tables Utility Carts Utility Trucks Walk Ramps Walk Through Ladders Wall Jibs Warehouse Rack Containment Warning Lights Waste Receptacles Waste Trucks Welding Benches Wheel Chair Ramps Wheel Risers Wire Caddies Wire Mesh Containers Work Benches Work Platforms Work Stands Work Stations Yard Ramps
1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 2,000-lbs Capacity
Vestil 1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 2,000-lbs Capacity $944.71
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: H-100-LDCapacity: 2,000 lbs., Volume: 1 cubic yard, Overall Size: 49"W x 51"D x 28"H, Fork Pocket Centers: 21" – Low Profile 90° Self–Dumping Steel Hopper – Units feature a full 90° dump angle with a cushioned rubber bumper stop. The low profile design is essential for convenient loading. Dumping with a fork truck is quick and simple. A four foot cable is pulled from the seat of the fork truck to dump the hopper. The unit returns to an upright and locked position when lowered to the ground. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. 22"L usable fork pockets measure 7"W x 2"H. Powder coat blue finish.
1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 4,000-lbs Capacity
Vestil 1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 4,000-lbs Capacity $966.41
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: H-100-MDCapacity: 4,000 lbs., Volume: 1 cubic yard, Overall Size: 49"W x 51"D x 28"H, Fork Pocket Centers: 21" – Low Profile 90° Self–Dumping Steel Hopper – Units feature a full 90° dump angle with a cushioned rubber bumper stop. The low profile design is essential for convenient loading. Dumping with a fork truck is quick and simple. A four foot cable is pulled from the seat of the fork truck to dump the hopper. The unit returns to an upright and locked position when lowered to the ground. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. 22"L usable fork pockets measure 7"W x 2"H. Powder coat blue finish.
1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 6,000-lbs Capacity
Vestil 1 Cubic Yard Lo-Profile 90° Self-Dumping Steel Hopper w/ 6,000-lbs Capacity $1,109.34
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: H-100-HDCapacity: 6,000 lbs., Volume: 1 cubic yard, Overall Size: 49"W x 51"D x 28"H, Fork Pocket Centers: 21" – Low Profile 90° Self–Dumping Steel Hopper – Units feature a full 90° dump angle with a cushioned rubber bumper stop. The low profile design is essential for convenient loading. Dumping with a fork truck is quick and simple. A four foot cable is pulled from the seat of the fork truck to dump the hopper. The unit returns to an upright and locked position when lowered to the ground. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. 22"L usable fork pockets measure 7"W x 2"H. Powder coat blue finish.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Galvanized
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Galvanized $1,868.64
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-GALUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Galvanized – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray $3,091.57
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-GY-SGUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Grey – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green $3,091.57
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-GRN-TUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Green – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange $3,091.57
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-ORG-CUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Orange – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red $1,012.71
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-SRUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Red – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White $1,012.71
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-WHTUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat White – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow $1,012.71
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-HD-YELUniform Capacity (pounds): 6000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Yellow – This Heavy Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray $2,561.93
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-GY-SGUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Grey – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green $2,561.93
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-GRN-TUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Green – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange $2,561.93
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-ORG-CUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Orange – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red $830.44
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-SRUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Red – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White $830.44
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-WHTUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat White – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow $830.44
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-LD-YELUniform Capacity (pounds): 2000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Yellow – This Light Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Gray $2,830.19
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-GY-SGUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Grey – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Green $2,830.19
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-GRN-TUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Green – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Orange $2,830.19
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-ORG-CUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Orange – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Red $922.96
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-SRUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Red – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - White $922.96
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-WHTUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat White – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow
Vestil 1 CuYd 70 Degree Medium Duty Self Dumping Hopper w/ Bumper Release - Yellow $922.96
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: D-100-MD-YELUniform Capacity (pounds): 4000, Steel (gauge): 10, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 18, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7–1/2, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2–1/2, Usable Chute Width (in.): 38, Usable Chute Length (in.): 54–1/4, Usable Chute Height (in.): 32–1/2, Finish: Powder Coat Yellow – This Medium Duty Self–Dumping Steel Hopper with Bumper Release automatically dumps when bumper release contacts the side of the dumpster. Hopper returns to an upright and locked position automatically after it dumps. Also includes a cable that may be operated from the seat of the fork truck to manually dump the hopper. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck. (Length Dimension is measured at top of chute.) Hopper is stackable if you stack the top hopper turned ninety (90) degrees from the bottom.
1 CuYd 90 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper
Vestil 1 CuYd 90 Degree Heavy Duty Self Dumping Hopper $2,558.42
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: H-100-HD-YELUniform Capacity (pounds): 6,000, Steel (gauge): 8, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 21–5/8, Usable Fork Pocket Length (in.): 22, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2, Front Lip to Floor (in.): 21, Formed Base Thickness (in.): 1/4, Finish: Powder Coat Yellow, Usable Width (in.) : 48, Usable Length (in.) : 46–1/2, Usable Height (in.) : 23–1/2 – The Heavy Duty Low Profile 90° Self–Dumping Steel Hopper feature a full ninety (90) degree dump angle with a cushioned rubber bumper stop. The low profile design is essential for convenient loading. Dumping with a fork truck is quick and simple. A cable is pulled from the seat of the fork truck to dump the hopper. The unit returns to an upright and locked position when lowered to the ground. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck.
1 CuYd 90 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper
Vestil 1 CuYd 90 Degree Light Duty Self Dumping Hopper $2,211.13
Manufacturer: Vestil, Manufacturer Part Number: H-100-LD-YELUniform Capacity (pounds): 2,000, Steel (gauge): 12, Volume (cubic yards): 1, Fork Pocket Center (in.): 21–5/8, Usable Fork Pocket Length (in.): 22, Usable Fork Pocket Width (in.): 7, Usable Fork Pocket Height (in.): 2, Front Lip to Floor (in.): 21, Formed Base Thickness (in.): 1/4, Finish: Powder Coat Yellow, Usable Width (in.) : 48, Usable Length (in.) : 46–1/2, Usable Height (in.) : 23–1/2 – The Light Duty Low Profile 90° Self–Dumping Steel Hopper feature a full ninety (90) degree dump angle with a cushioned rubber bumper stop. The low profile design is essential for convenient loading. Dumping with a fork truck is quick and simple. A cable is pulled from the seat of the fork truck to dump the hopper. The unit returns to an upright and locked position when lowered to the ground. A safety restraint is provided to secure the hopper to the fork truck.
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